
Dinosaurs changing SOL's landscape

Cover Image for Claynosaurz

Will Mint: Yes


Mint Price
10 SOL
WL Mint Price
10 SOL
Mint Time


For a project as hyped as Claynosaurz, it all boils down to one thing. Quality. The level of quality that they are bringing to the table and the Solana network is unmatched to date. On top of that, it's all animated as well. With Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning team members, Claynosaurz has the potential to elevate SOL NFTs to the next level.


The main factor here. High-quality, cute dinosaurs. It's the perfect base character to use to gain mass appeal and build a universe. The attention to detail that went into each NFT is evident as well.

You can see how detailed and carefully thought out each attribute was. Claynosaurz isn't your typical generative NFT collection where you're hoping to get good traits combinations. Granted, we have yet to see the complete 10K collection, so there could be some outliers, but from what we have seen, we'll be pleased with the combinations.

They will also offer a PFP version of each NFT. I don't think many people will use these as PFPs, but that's my opinion. The standard NFTs do not make for great PFPs, especially with the animation, and we all know having people rock your collection as a PFP is a key part of a project's success. I'll happily admit to being wrong if that is the case.


I'm not going to list all the team members because it's quite a long list, but let's talk through some of their past experiences. They've worked on various TV shows and movies, including Avatar, Avengers Infinity War, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, and The Dark Knight. All movies involve some heavy animation and CGI. From what I've seen, the working conditions for VFX artists in the industry could be better. They face tight deadlines, crazy demands, and exhausting hours. That's partly why the Claynosaurz team is looking to start its own thing. Allowing creative minds to work at their leisure is when true ingenuity comes to life. I'm willing to bet on a stacked team and see where it goes.


There is no roadmap or website. It's unclear what the plan is for the project. I assume an animated series or something of that nature is on the table. Historically, anything with that as a roadmap item has yet to do well, but we haven't had a team of this caliber attempting it. Offering their animation services to other projects could benefit their project and others on Solana. Developing the overall Claynosaurz universe may be the safe, broad way of encompassing everything, whatever "everything" may be.

You'll see many people doing Twitter threads and write-ups on Claynosaurz, how good of a project it is, etc. They don't talk about plans for the project, though. They can't since these things don't exist. 99% of the time, this would bother me. All projects should have a plan laid out BEFORE mint, so buyers understand what they're investing in. Even Lily didn't have a roadmap before mint, and I wasn't happy about that, but look how well it did. So, I've decided to go with the flow on this one and take Claynosaurz at face value. I'm all in - no roadmap required.

Final Thoughts

Claynosaurz has the potential to lead a new wave of projects on Solana. Knittables will probably mint soon after Claynosaurz, and they are a similar type of project with outstanding animation. The success of Claynosaurz will lay the groundwork for them and many others. With the team's experience and connections, this could be a game-changer for us. The ecosystem has to respond in kind, though. We can't have flippers and dumpers galore on this one. We need a solid holder base to show that Solana is mature enough for these S-tier projects. We're fortunate that Claynosaurz chose SOL over ETH, and we must ensure they don't regret it.

10 SOL is a high mint price, and 1 SOL = 1 SOL but again, in this case, throw out the norms. We're thinking USD on this one, and ~$130 is okay for this project.


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